Resources - Trusted places you can learn more about wild parsnip
The information on these pages about wild parsnip has been compiled from numerous reputable sources. If you would like to learn more about wild parsnip or do your own research, the following links are a good starting point:
Additional wild parsnip resources
- Ontario's Invading Species Awareness Program
- Invasive Species Centre and Ontario Invasive Plant Council Wild Parsnip Best Management Practices [PDF]
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science - The Biology of Canadian weeds. 144. Pastinaca sativa L., Agricultural Institute of Canada
- Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit
- Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System
- Wisconsin National Resources magazine
- Minnesota Department of Transportation brochure [PDF]
- Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan
- OMAFRA - Pesticide use information
- OMAFRA - Publication 75, Guide to Weed Control
- OMAFRA - Wild Parsnip Control