Harold Brown Park, Order of Ottawa, Brian Kilrea Award & More

We hope everyone had a chance to enjoy Dickinson Days, an annual tradition which celebrates Manotick’s founder, Moss Kent Dickinson.

We hope everyone had a chance to enjoy Dickinson Days, an annual tradition which celebrates Manotick’s founder, Moss Kent Dickinson.

We hear many concerns about speeding in our communities. Most recently, a resident called our office and asked that we remind neighbours to share Second Line Road. In general, we ask residents to be cognizant of pedestrians and cyclists using our roads and to be mindful of the speed limit. Of course, this also applies to every other road as well.

Although we wish we had the means to eliminate speeding permanently, we have traffic calming measures that can help address this concern. First and foremost, we always like to stress the importance of reporting speeding and dangerous driving. You can report this to Ottawa Police Service at 613-236-1222 or online at www.ottawapolice.ca/onlinereporting. Reporting traffic infractions will assist police in deploying staff for enforcement in the area.

Another traffic calming measure we routinely utilize is deploying speed display boards, which raise awareness of excessive speeding. Boards are placed on a rotational basis to capture speed data, which is then used, by the City and Ottawa Police to address speeding concerns in our neighbourhoods. If you notice excessive speeding and believe a speed display board would be beneficial, please contact my office. Please note: the timeline for deployment does vary based on availability.

My office also has a limited amount of “Slow Down For Us” lawn signs. If you would like one for your lawn, please contact my office and we will do our best to get you one. 

We understand how dangerous speeding is and ask all residents to be cognizant and careful while driving in Rideau-Goulbourn and beyond. 

Harold Brown Park

In recognition of his historical significance to the community of Richmond, the City of Ottawa has received a proposal to name the future park at Shea Road and Kirkham Crescent, the Harold Brown Park. Harold Brown played an integral role in the history of the landmark Richmond Bakery, which operated in the community for more than seven decades. In 1930, Harold Brown went into business as a baker, initially operating on McBean Street, in Richmond.

The bakery had no electricity and produced 325 loaves per batch in a brick, wood-fired oven. Bread was delivered to the surrounding countryside using horses loaned by local farmers, across an area 32 kilometres from the bakery, in all directions.

Mr. Brown joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1939, and served as a sergeant until his discharge in 1945. He returned to Richmond to open a new bakeshop, which subsequently relocated to Perth Street, where it would remain until it closed in August 2014.

Rural Economic Development Strategy

I would like to extend an invitation to join the City of Ottawa on Wednesday, June 12th or Thursday, June 13th for a focus group designed to convene key rural stakeholders to help guide the City of Ottawa’s Rural Economic Development Strategy (REDS).

The focus groups are part of a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan that is intended to support the development of a Rural Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan. The Strategy and Plan will outline the City’s strategy and approach to stimulate economic growth in rural Ottawa. The geographic focus of the strategy is targeted primarily at Wards 5 (West Carleton-March), 19 (Cumberland), 20 (Osgoode), and 21 (Rideau-Goulbourn).

The focus group sessions will be action oriented with an emphasis on priority setting. The goals of the sessions will be to:

  • Understand the perspectives, challenges, and expectations of rural businesses

  • Provide clarity to issues identified in the business and community surveys

  • Explore solutions or emerging opportunities to stimulate rural economic growth

As a key rural stakeholder, the City’s REDS will greatly benefit from your knowledge, experience, and views. Please visit engage.ottawa.ca/REDS for registration details and other ways to engage. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jephtée Elysée at 613-580-2424 x 21656 or [email protected].

Nominations Open for 2019 Order of Ottawa

The Order of Ottawa recognizes the professional achievements and outstanding service of exceptional Ottawa residents. This prestigious civic award honours up to 15 of Ottawa’s most deserving individuals each year. Any resident of Ottawa who has made a significant contribution in a professional capacity that has been of benefit to our community may be nominated.

The Order of Ottawa is intended to recognize those who have made significant contributions through their professional endeavours, to life in the city in any of the following areas: arts and culture, business, philanthropy, health care, education, public service, labour, communications and media, science, sports and entertainment and other fields that benefit Ottawa.

The Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching, which will be presented at the Order of Ottawa awards ceremony in the fall of 2019, recognizes the contribution of an amateur coach who best exemplifies the qualities of leadership and commitment that have been the hallmarks of Brian Kilrea’s career. Mr. Kilrea is a retired hockey head coach, general manager and player, and is best known for his 35-year association with the Ottawa 67’s. He is a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, has played and coached in the NHL and, with more than 1,000 career victories, he is the most successful coach in Canadian junior hockey history.

Nominations for the Order of Ottawa or the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching may be completed online or by filling out a nomination form in pamphlets that are available at the City Hall Information Desk, and at your local community centre, public library, or at any client service centre. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 13th at 11:59pm EST.

Previous Rideau-Goulbourn recipients include Drs. Rod & Lucy Rabb, Cyril Leeder and William Tupper. More information on both awards can be found online at ottawa.ca/orderofottawa. Nominations by immediate family members, self-nominations, and posthumous nominations will not be accepted. Elected municipal, provincial and federal officials are not eligible for this award while they are in office.


If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or contact me by phone at 613-580-2491. For information on Rideau-Goulbourn issues, please visit RideauGoulbourn.ca.