1966 Roger Stevens Drive, 2020 Civic Events Funding Program & Cleaning the Capital
In recent columns, I have mentioned a community information meeting to discuss Broccolini's Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments for 1966 Roger Stevens Drive. Unfortunately, we needed to reschedule that meeting to give the City and the applicant more time to prepare. The rescheduled community information meeting date has now been set for Thursday, October 17th from 7:00 to 9:00pm at the Alfred Taylor Recreation Center in North Gower. City planning staff and the applicant, Broccolini, will join me at this meeting.
The subject application involves the property on the southwest corner of Roger Stevens Drive and Highway 416. This site had previously been designated for industrial and highway commercial uses. Through that application, parameters were set on building heights, land use and so on. Included in that approved plan were also several residential lots along Third Line Road. The application before us now seeks to alter two specific elements.
The most straightforward request is the desire of the applicant to increase the permitted height on the property from 15m to 30m. To give you some sense of that height on this property, the existing silo sits on the top of the hill at just under 20m. The proposed development would see a levelling of that area meaning the proposed height is approximately the height of the silo today.
The other request is to make the property one zone. As it stands now, the site is split into three zones. Over 90% of the property is zoned for industrial and commercial uses. Both permit the building of a warehouse. A small portion right in the middle of the property does not permit warehouse as a use. As a result, the applicant wishes to alter that to permit a warehouse on the entire property.
At the community information meeting, the applicant will focus on the differences between the current zoning and what their request is. Briefly, a large scale industrial warehouse development is already a permitted use. The big change here is one taller building rather than many smaller buildings. Both would have an impact on transportation, nearby properties and the environment. Regardless of what is built here, these are concerns that residents have and the meeting will be an opportunity to discuss those concerns and understand how they can be or are being addressed.
If you have any comments or questions about this application, please feel free to contact myself or the Planner, Jeff Ostafichuk at [email protected].
2020 Civic Events Funding Program
The application process for the 2020 Civic Events Funding Program is now open. The City of Ottawa invites local not-for-profit organizations, such as community groups and recreation associations to apply for up to $3,000 in funding to deliver community events that take place in local, geographic communities and neighbourhoods in the City of Ottawa. These family-friendly events must include family entertainment and activities that appeal to members of the geographic community where the event is being held.
Please review the information package carefully for additional eligibility criteria.
Information Package and Application Forms are available at ottawa.ca or at any Ottawa Client Service Centre. The program deadline is Wednesday, October 9th at 4:00pm. If you are unsure of your eligibility or have questions, please contact the Funding, Partnerships & Agreements Unit to discuss eligibility criteria and the application process at [email protected] or by phone at 613-580-2424 ext. 14133.
Cleaning the Capital
The City of Ottawa is pleased to announce the annual Cleaning the Capital fall campaign, which will take place from September 15th to October 15th. Early-bird registration began August 15th.
Registration is quick and easy:
Go to www.ottawa.ca/clean, or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) to register for the cleanup. The interactive map on our website will show you which locations have already been claimed, allow you to register your own project site and choose the cleanup supplies that you need.
Select a location such as a park, ravine, shoreline, bus stop, pathway or any public area that requires litter pickup, graffiti removal or cleanup.
This is a great opportunity for families and friends to work together on community cleanup projects that help make Ottawa clean, green, graffiti-free and litter-free. Cleaning the Capital is also an excellent way for high school students to earn their community volunteer hours.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or contact me by phone at 613-580-2491. For information on Rideau-Goulbourn issues, please visit RideauGoulbourn.ca.